The dropdown menu takes you to the application settings
Pressing this button will take you back to this page
This will allow you to connect to remote dockge instances
Console will take you to a shell inside of the dockge container
This allows you to create a compose from a docker run command
Pressing any of the stacks will take you to the stack configuration
Searching your stack names
This is the statistics panel that shows you how many stacks are active, have issues, or shutdown.
Pressing + Compose will take you to the stack configuration.
This brings up a console for you to run cli commands on the Dockge docker container.
You can edit and controls your stacks from here using the `docker compose` commands.
The menu that shows up allows you to connect to remote hosts that are also running Dockge. Click on connect to see the new view.
This is your stack configuration, hover over the top menu to find out more or to interactively use the buttons.
As you can see by the stack list on the left, we have successfuly connected to the remote agent and now can manage stacks remotely.
You can edit all the variables of your compose stack in this configuration.
Either use the middle options, or directly edit the compose file on the right side as well as the .env file.
the `URLs` option on the bottom, under “Extra” is an internal mapping for yourself to know what domain is being used by the container.
Press on any stacks or home to other options
Inactive would bring down the stack and will not manage it in Dockge.
Updating the container will pull the latest image if your configuration is set to image:latest or an updating image tag such as dockage:1
This starts your stack.
This stops your stack.
Just like the edit stack, here you can create a new stack and paste all of your variables inside including .env configuration, networks, volumes, images and others.
Deploying a new stack will create a new folder with a compose file.
the `URLs` option on the bottom, under “Extra” is an internal mapping for yourself to know what domain is being used by the container.
Press on any stacks or home to other options
A dropdown menu for rescanning your stacks folder if you have changed or added any stacks in it manually outside of the container.
This is also where you would edit your security and language settings.
This will delete your stack