


I’m Ilia, by day a cybersecurity advisor, and in my spare time I experiment with new ideas and update this space that you are reading. I went down the selfhosting journey some time in 2010 when I decided to venture out and explore a lot of the alternatives that exist to the offerings of large enterprises. Since then it has been an interesting path taken where at some point my entire home was automated (we moved, so not everything anymore) and services were extended to friends and family.

Selfhosted.club is what I like to refer to as “A personal wiki, open to the public”. What I write here is how I run my own stacks for home, and the business I manage. While the articles are sometimes short and sweet, there are sometimes dozens of hours that went into testing various configurations and deployments - at the end of which I edit all the process that I did into one post on the webpage.

Feel free to reach out on Github or LinkedIn.